Yogyakarta, 12 October 2012


Three water management teams joined  water management training which was conducted by KARINAKAS. Those three teams  are from Talun, Sidorejo and Tegalrejo village, Kemalang sub-district, Magelang. It was held on October 11-13 2012 in Wisma Duta Wacana, Kaliurang, Yogyakarta.

Talun, Sidorejo and Tegalrejo are three villages which are assisted by DRR program after the Merapi eruption 2010. Coordinating with PW NU DIY and Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, KARINAKAS is assisting communities in three sectors, they are disaster preparedness, recovery of safe drinking-water infrastructure, livelihood recovery.


Bantul, 26/9


Self Help Group (SHG) of 5 (five) assisted villages were gathered to discuss the strategic planning of Village CBR Team in Kangen Gabusan Restaurant, Pasar Seni Gabusan, Bantul. The meeting which was held for two days attended by 19 people whom they are the representative of PWDs from Canden, Panjangrejo, Sidomulyo, Trirenggo and Sriharjo village.

Angga Yanuar as the Field Coordinator of KARINAKAS CBR Bantul explained that the strategic planning of CBR Board Bantul Dictrict will be implemented up to village level. “Then, the villages should be prepared so that the goals of district level can be implemented for real in village level” said Angga Yanuar.


Tuesday, September 04, 2011

The construction process of St. John Pringwulung Parish health service centre and Karinakas office preceded by the lying of the first stone by the General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Semarang, Fr. Pius Riana Prapdi.

The event that was held on August 02, 2012 begun with praying before breakfasting with stakeholders, local residents, construction committees and staffs of KARINAKAS. The event was held in the place where would the building constructed  which is in Jl. Panuluh 377A, Pringwulung, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The handover of KARINAKAS Director was conducted on August 02, 2012. Officially,  the leadership handed over by Bapak Methodius Kusumahadi to Fr. Antonius Banu Kurniato. Attended by General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Semarang, the event done in simply and also being witnessed by Program Manager of KARINAKAS.

Pak Meth is the person who encourage all staff to put the strong foundation together for the sustainability of the institution. His roles was began on early 2009, assisting KARINAKAS in planning 2009 – 2013 strategies. A year following, according to the request from Archdiocese of Semarang and his spirit, he became a director in the middle of his densely activities as a consultant for institutions/organizations.

Held in Gedung Pertemuan Beran, Srayu, Canden, Bantul, on Wednesday (1/09), about 20 difable (different able people) and non difable children joined the competition which founded by  education sector of KARINAKAS. The aim of the competition is to increase student’s motivation to study through games. This event also held to introduce the disable into the community inclusively. They looked very happy.


Tuesday (31/08), about 76 people of Karang Panas Parish met together to celebrate month of Catholic Social Teaching (Ajaran Sosial Gereja). KARINAKAS got the opportunity to socialize and invite people’s empathy and compassion as the real action of Social Church Teaching for the small, weak, poor, marginal, difable (different able people)

“The aim of this event is that the Catholics ‘ngeh’ with the social situation around, because while living in a big city, it is sometimes difficult to see reality outside the church.” said Father Donny Widiarso, who gave the speech in the event.


After the earthquake which epicenter in Bantul, DIY, measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale at a depth of 10-km, at 18:41:38 WIB on August 1, 2010 (www.bmg.go.id), KARINAKAS and Forum Peduli Difabel Bantul (FPDB) conducted “Pelatihan Pengurangan Resiko Bencana untuk Difabel Paraplegia di Wilayah Kabupaten Bantul”(Disaster Risk Reduction Training for Difable of Paraplegia in Bantul Region) on Wednesday and Thursday, 25-26 August 2010. The theme of this training is ”Eling, Waspada lan Sembada Ngadepi Bebaya” (Berikhtiar untuk senantiasa sadar dan waspada terhadap ancaman atau bahaya sambil meningkatkan kemampuan komunitas untuk mengurangi resiko bencana) “Remember, Alert, and Fair in  Facing the Disaster”(Effort to always be aware and alert toward the disaster by increasing the community skills in disaster risk reduction). This training is held in Ruang Pertemuan Pusat Rehabilitasi Terpadu Penyandang Cacat (PRTPC), Pundong, Bantul.


Medical team of KARINAKAS visited the beneficiaries’ house routinely as a compassion expression for those who get SCI (Spinal Cord Injury). The services given are treatments of decubitus wound and physiotherapy.

A visit to Slamet’s house(18/08)

This half age mother was sun bathing in her terrace that morning. Smiling, she greeted us. Slamet is new as a SCI, 6 month ago, she felt from mlinjo tree. Her husband carried her into the house and laid her on the bed gentlyThe access to her house and the condition around her house are not accessible for wheelchair to help her doing the daily activities. It makes her dependent to others.


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